Graffiti Graffics has tested and researched all the material out there and have chosen the best for our graphics.
For all kinds of vehicles, we use Avery 1005 EZ RS super cast with Avery super gloss over lamination for that wet paint look. It is the most flexible wrap
material that lets us conform it in and around the most complex curves and creases. The other wrap material lifts, creases, gets brittle, and then starts to crack and peel after six months no matter
how good the installation might have been. Most use a matte material with a gloss lamination that makes the wrap look like a semi-gloss and doesn’t have the “wet paint” look that really stands out.
Avery 1005 is a 10-year guaranteed material with a 5 clean removability with heat. The others are a nightmare to remove. Keep that in mind when you have to pay more to have it removed or trying to
remove it yourself.
For trailers and flat work, we use Avery 2105 EZ RS Calendared that is a little thicker and doesn’t stretch when we have to align one panel to
another. This is very important when the project is a big trailer or box truck that has multiple panels to apply. This is a 6-year guaranteed material with a 5 clean removability and still has the
same super gloss look.
For banners, signs, and wallpapers, we use the best material for the application.